Protect Your Most Valuable Assets

Nonprofit employees are some seriously special folks. They work longer hours, wear more hats, and make less money. 


Because they genuinely care about the population they serve. Whether it’s children, animals, Veterans, the homeless, or any other at-risk group, nonprofit employees, board members, and volunteers make the world a better place.  

But at what cost?

Burnout By the Numbers

Multiple studies have been done regarding nonprofit employees, and the results are downright scary!

  • 50% of nonprofit employees experience high levels of burnout (Stanford Social Innovation Review)
  • Nonprofit organizations experience the highest staff turnover (21%) of any industry. (Gravyty) 
  • 25% of nonprofit employees plan to leave their current employment. (nonprofit HR) 

You’ve worked so hard to hire the best people to serve your cause. Now, you have to work to keep them. 

The Problem

Nonprofits are the perfect breeding ground for unhealthy boundaries. You take passionate, community-minded, well-meaning individuals, put them up against a gigantic societal problem, and then give them approximately one-quarter of the resources they need to get the job done… and they will do it.

Unfortunately, they will do it at the expense of their own well-being. 

It doesn’t have to be this way. 

The Solution

Healthy boundaries are essential to continue your mission. That’s why I’m dedicated to making the world a better place… one boundary at a time. 

I’ve created my nonprofit boundary workshop so you can protect your most valuable asset – your employees (and yourself!). 

In this virtual or in-person workshop*, attendees will: 

  • Understand the inner and outer effects of dysfunctional boundaries.
  • Identify the underlying issues causing unhealthy boundaries (and how to fix them).

  • Distinguish between “giving Of yourself” and “giving UP yourself.”
  • Better define roles and responsibilities.
  • Learn how to set and communicate healthy boundaries to improve productivity, relationships, and well-being.

Contact me today, and we will protect your most valuable asset so they can continue serving.  

Nonprofits are close to my heart. That’s why, with every workshop booked, you’ll receive a box of my books and coloring books to share with your team.  

 * Travel costs apply for any workshops outside of Las Vegas.  The workshop is complimentary for bulk orders of 50+ bundles. Need less? Let’s chat about that.



About Sheryl Green

“Yes. Of course. I’d be happy to. It’s no problem at all.”

Sheryl Green has taken “people-pleasing” to Olympic levels. For decades, she put everyone else’s needs above her own… until she hit a metaphorical brick wall.

After 10+ years in the nonprofit space, and committing to one-too-many responsibilities, Sheryl discovered the importance of boundaries… okay, she actually discovered that boundaries were even “a thing.” Now she works with individuals and organizations to establish healthy boundaries to improve relationships,  communication, and well-being.

“She is the author of 6 books including ““You Had Me at ‘No’: How Setting Healthy Boundaries Helps you Banish Burnout, Repair Relationships, and Save Your Sanity.”

She is also an avid animal advocate, dedicating her life to providing a voice for those who cannot speak. She previously served as the Director of Communications and Cuddling for a local animal rescue and continues to donate her time, talent, and money to animal welfare organizations.

When she’s not working, she’s spending time with her husband and their two fur babies, doing yoga, and tending to a small jungle’s worth of houseplants.

About the Books

Do you ever find yourself blurting out “yes” to a request when you really want to say “no?”

We have been conditioned to people-please, going beyond giving of ourselves to the point of giving up ourselves. This leads to exhaustion, anger, and some really ugly resentment. You Had Me At No is a movement to change all that.

In this book, you will learn:

  • Why you are so burned out
  • The Goldilocks Principle: What exactly are boundaries, and why yours aren’t healthy
  • The Clash Question: A system to make intentional decisions rather than being led by fear
  • How to properly communicate your boundaries  
  • When to say goodbye to the Boundary Busters in your life

It’s time to set healthy boundaries, unleash your voice, and take charge of your life! 


You Had Me At No: Color Your Way to Healthy Boundaries is more than just a coloring book… it’s the motivation needed to kick some serious butt!

If you (or someone you know) ever blurts out “yes” to a request when you really want to say “no,” you’ve found the perfect mindfulness coloring book. It’s time to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in your personal and professional life.

Filled with 30 pages of quotes from “You Had Me At No: How Setting Healthy Boundaries Helps Banish Burnout, Repair Relationships, and Save Your Sanity,” set in mandala-style patterned coloring pages, this adult coloring book is a beautiful way to take back control of your life!

Save Lives!

Not only is this book helpful for the recipient, but for every book sold, one dollar is donated to Vegas Pet Rescue Project, a 501(c)3 animal rescue organization in Las Vegas, NV.




As a therapist, I see clients struggling with setting and maintaining healthy boundaries on a daily basis. Providing clear, actionable steps to assert ourselves, “You Had Me at No,” is my new go-to client recommendation. 

– Emily Lewis, LCPC and Owner of Veridian Wellness


“If you’ve struggled with people-pleasing for more years than you care to remember, ‘You Had Me at No’ needs to be at the top of your list for required reading. Sheryl Green’s book offers advice born in the real world, along with laugh-out-loud examples. It’s a real winner and of great use.”

– Mark Levy, Creator of “Your Big Sexy Idea®” and former advisor to Simon Sinek

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